Naršydami tinklalapyje Jūs sutinkate su slapukų naudojimo taisyklėmis.

About us

What we do
We speak, analyze, offer, discuss, plan, calculate, prototype, plot, layout, write, encode, animate, program, test, and do a lot of things to achieve RESULT.
Fully automated
We speak the keywords
#goals, #tasks, #challenges, #expectations, #options, #time, #people, #quality, #result, #first, #matches, #UX
We are
A professional web solutions team with 10+ years of experience based in Vilnius.
Projects in EU
Experience in the industry

Finance, construction, medicine and pharmacy, furniture, manufacturing, real estate, media, hotels, catering, law, entertainment, public services.

Project for schools

Nulla ac erat non sapien ultrices auctor eget eu neque. Donec tincidunt ante quis dolor lobortis aliquam. Nullam id neque pretium, mollis leo quis, gravida est. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque vestibulum, orci condimentum viverra laoreet, urna risus semper enim, at pellentesque tellus nulla ut odio. Aenean tincidunt augue orci, et consequat odio semper eget.

Our front office
Eimantas Gardauskas
Projects managment / UX / CX

Well, my colleague Jaroslav says that I'm a dangerous person (apparently, in a good sense) and I do not know the clock. Mostly because of my excessive discipline, over-personality, over-initiative, and over-reliance on my job as Project Manager. But I believe in my knowledge, I feel like having the experience, I think I see the pulse on technology and their intercourse with people. Experience in business management, marketing, and creative industries lets you hear the customer and give him what he really needs, and not what he thinks. Yes, writing an A4 format for a query is a madness, but what to do is to leave a little while, do not want, and do not.

We have a goal

We accept the

Contact us